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Dreaming Big Is Great!

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Time to build some deeper roots...

I’m optimistic about 2023 and I’ll tell you why. Dreaming big is different from a ‘pipe dream’. Putting your business and brand out there with a well thought plan and a team focussed on growth and YOUR business can dream big too.

Energy and passion are the best combination to shake off any January blues or dust away the holiday cobwebs the festive season brings. Where could you be personally and professionally by the end of 2023? How far can you go?

So many of our hyper growth Series A and B customers strive for greatness and I often see their secret sauce beyond product as OKR’s. HR Leadership and Sales Leadership take note. Whether you’ve created a masterful 3yr business plan, or simply need to outline the year ahead, think about investing in an OKR system for the business (we use Quantive (formerly Gtmhub)).

But what are they I hear you say? A method of planning your business roadmap and identifying all the parts you’ll need to get you there. Automate them on a platform with your teams. Objectives (O) help you dream big - bold statements on what you are going to achieve, which become a key message to the team. Key Results (KR) are the parts that are needed to help you reach these objectives.

Targets and KPIs are important in any business, but aligning them to overall growth, marketing and culture objectives enables your business to thrive. I like to think of it as a great tree growing in a forest of businesses, competing for the warmth of the sun. The roots are your people, your processes, your KPIs and actions, absorbing the hard work. What you see above ground is the tree itself. Its growth. Its branches and divisions. Its success. Growth is the objective and the OKR system is the trunk that connects the top to the bottom. A crude analogy, but fitting.

As one of our close partners Boston Consulting Group (BCG) elude to in their article ‘Ten Reasons for Optimism’, bold actions and the major changes in Big Tech are driving more digital talent into new areas, creating improvement and opportunity. We see this at TDA Search, from the Fortune 500s we work with in different sectors, all the way through to our VC partners working with Seed and Series A.

The end run to 2022 saw TDA Creative winning awards and achieving new heights from a growth perspective - in the midst of a so called down-turn. Our chief board advisor James Osborne discussed the battle in the market between Pessimism vs Optimism. A mindset. A choice. Optimism is backed up by economists and trends forecasters predicting that the slow start to 2023 will pave way to new opportunity and a major bump in investment levels as the global economy picks-up momentum towards the summer. Look at the growth in MedTech, Ed Tech, Sustainability, Cyber and AI. So my message is to 'Dream Big'. Focus on the big objectives, big ideas and make the bold moves and big hires you need to get you there.

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